Sunday, May 01, 2005

Party On Wayne!

Party On Garth.

ok - I don't know why that popped in my head, but I think it kinda sums up my weekend.

Friday I went out to Happy Hour with some collegues. And since I work in the school system, Happy Hour started @ 3:30, 3 tall Leinie's Honey Weiss later and I am on my way home to pick up the hubby and meet up with some friends for dinner & more partying. Well, I partied (us ladies did) the guys just sat around talking thinking us chicks were weird. Andy said at one point he heard us saying "I appreciate you sooooo much." And he laughs and says "Who really says that?" Well, he's a guy and guys just don't talk that way to their friends I guess. And we were just dancing around the kitchen to some music on the radio, then we set up the karaoke machine and did some singing (& more dancing).

Saturday was spent sleeping in (until 11:30) washing clothes, running errands, and then out to a 30th birthday party. We went to McCoy's in the Cities. It was fun. Got to see a 30-year old guy do a blow job (his wife said that was the only blow job ihe would get that night.) He did it very well, which makes me wonder if I really should have left the guys alone during Geekfest.

After 2 late nights, it is now Sunday. I am off to a family party at my in-laws. I suppose I will drink more there. My MIL says I talk more when I drink (well, who doesn't), but I try to shut my mouth when one SIL is there, as I seem to say things that are particularly offensive to her. It's not just me, I think it's the whole family. I don't think she likes any of us very well, especially not the MIL. But she doesn't come to too many family things, so I might not have to worry about it anyways. But I guess today we are doing a celebration of a conglomeration of things (Easter, Andy's b-day, Mother's Day, Cinco de Mayo, Daylight Savings -- you know -- all the regulars :) )

So, we'll see how the weekend ends. We get a new porch put on this week. Yeah!

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