Fairy Flower Crown

I thought this turned out beautifully. I tried it on Isabel and it fits perfectly. She is fond of the handles (ribbon).
1st Birthday Hat
It is not very tall, but I think it will be the perfect size for her first birthday. I watched an episode of Creative Juice today where they made party hats (using a 12x12 piece of card stock and twisting it into a cone) and those hats were nice & tall. Maybe a tall one for next year. I still have to add the elastic cording to this and it will be complete.
The colors are a dark raspberry & white. I finished it after Isabel went to bed for the night, so I used Lulu as the model.
All of Them
Now you get an idea how big the hat really is. It's not very big. Besides all the birthday portrait props, I was also working on doing a little refurbishing to a baby trike I bought. I bought this vintage Radio Flyer baby/toddler trike (powered by their feet) from eBay. It was in relatively remarkable condition, but the wood had discolored and the handles had rusted a little. So, today, I took it all apart, painted the handles, gave a new stain to the wood and put a coat of poly on (that is currently drying). It will be one of her birthday presents from us. I thought it was neat and I don't think they even make it anymore. And we all know that Radio Flyer stuff is not cheap, so I think I got a good deal on it. And the paint, stain, & poly was stuff I already had leftover. So, really it was just a little money to buy & get it shipped here and my time to make it look nice. I took a before picture (mainly to make sure I put it back together correctly) and I will post that and a picture of the finished product after is gets all put back together.
We also went to a carnival sponsored by the student council today. Andy played the games to win us some prizes, Isabel mainly just watched.
Oh, and I made Andy his birthday cake. Yesterday was his birthday. Yesterday we went to a play and then to Applebee's for a couple of lemonades and half-price apps. Our neighbor Cindy babysat for Isabel.