Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Exploring the Town

Well, Isabel & I went out on the town for a little bit so that we could find the bank witht he conference room where the mom's group meets at, find the park we will have our first WI playdate at (I met some people on Milwaukeemoms.com and we have been emailing), found where the Farmer's Market is, stopped at Brownberry Bakery Outlet (it's made here, did you know that!) and bought a ton of stuff (if you spend $15+, you get double stamps!) and found the Sausage Haus (it's across from the park where our playdate on Thursday will be.) The Sausage Haus is a deli & Meat Market. I made sure to buy some bratwurst, because you can't try the Sausage Haus without getting some sausage, and I also bought some sliced ham, Italian Seasoned Chicken, & Deviled Eggs.

We never made it to the grocery store today, but we know where it is and between the 2 places we did stop today we have some food for a couple of dinners.

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