Sunday, September 19, 2004

A Good Weekend

It’s been a pretty good weekend. It started out with going to Sam’s Club and spending too much money, but it was all stuff we would use (kitty litter, food, & light bulbs). I also got the call I had been waiting for – well, not exactly waiting for – but hoped would happen. On Friday, the person I had to switch positions with at work was canned. Now, I don’t know if this means I can go back if I want to – which is what I will choose if I am given the option. I do like where I am now and things are going well there, but at then end of the day – I miss working with the ladies and I like working with junior high kids. So, we’ll see. But I spent quite a bit of time on the phone about all of that on Friday afternoon/evening. I got one call and then another, and then of course I had to make a call.

Then that evening we went to Kate & Dan’s to hangout. Ate some dinner there (well, it was supposed to be a snack but really turned out to be dinner), drank some wine, and then played the game “Scene-it”. Kate likes playing games, and even though we forgot the game at home, she kept at Andy until he finally gave in and went home to get it. Good thing we only live a couple miles away.
Saturday, we spent the day at an auction. We went to one first that I thought I wanted to buy these chairs at – but they were smaller than they looked in the picture. So, we drove to another one that had some decent stuff there. It was a consignment auction – so there was everything there, even a huge headboard that was lined in red fur, mirrors, and a radio/8-track system installed inside it. Wow! It was tacky. It sold for $18 to a boy who was probably around 15/16 years old.

Then last night we went out to eat at the restaurant called Las Delicasas. They have Guatemalan food there. It was pretty decent, although I needed more flavor and added a bunch of hot sauce.

Today we went to April & Jason’s house (Molly came as well.) They moved in to a new house and it’s beautiful. We had a great dinner (compliments of April & Jason) and good company. We also talked about taking a spring break trip together. The school Molly works at happens to have spring break the same as my school and April & Jason can take vacation when they want from their jobs. This was a very nice way to end the weekend.

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